Not "HDR" but actual high dynamic range display of your photos. "HDR" is a scam, high dynamic range isn't. The difference is marketing. SDR is Standard dynamic range. High dynamic range is higher, with more dynamic range. "HDR" is a hijacked marketing term you can't trust.
The linear dynamic range in RAW photos surpasses that of what we can reproduce on paper or sRGB displays at the moment. We can capture and process this information but cannot project it properly at the moment on any consumer hardware.
16K UHD high dynamic range TVs with 2000nit+ brightness will be able to display way more lifelike photos with unclipped highlights and high contrast but this requires significantly different processing than what we've been doing ever since the digital era. That will be the advancement to photography coming in this decade or the next.
>>3889932OP's image is garbage.
He doesn't understand gamma or he has cum on his lens causing crazy haze reducing contrast/saturation.
Kinda fixed them a little but it ain't perfect. The sweet spot would ideally be somwhere between his version and this.