>>4056558>I am the caretaker of approximately 400 cameras and have done photography for a long time (since I was four)>Photography is the best technological-thing because it is the most human technological-thing. It is good (objectively, metaphysically, morally) in direct proportion to the amount of human-ness involved in the process. Good human-ness in the pursuit of photographs leads to good photography which leads to good photographs. The best way to be a good human is to be filled with LOVE (agape, philia), and so the best way to get good photographs is to take photographs with LOVE. Without love, there can be neither good humans nor good photographs, and with love, there can only be good humans and good photographs, so the photographic philosophy employed in all of F8HAUS’s photographic ventures is: All Love All The Time. This approach has never failed and cannot ever possibly fail, as it is philosophically and ontologically water-tight.Man, all that "experience", all that gear, and still only charging $1200 for a full day, in Vegas even. Site reads as wacky as ole Mr Rockwell. Ultimate neckbeard gearfag, with "quality" work.