>>4056106>but everyone ITT thread is saying that woman looks like a whore. That gives you an idea how lost you are
>Now who is right the artist or the consoomer?We don't know the social context of the photographer, was he henpecked to do it? was he paid? is he a psycho too? did he write something?
What's left is to the consumer to read and we read she's a maniac in potential, it is just you who cannot read that because of your possible lack of body language reading experience. And that includes tattoos, which are indeed in the realm of the cultural like you said, but having fox-like cunning eyes is not, that means you are about to get scammed or pegged in any culture on earth, having tattoos on top of that means extra danger.
>They fully embraced the subjectivityWhat's subjective about this picture you raving lunatic