>>3788234 here, bringing it up again because I got basically no input in the last thread.I'm at a crossroads, friends. Do I replace my trusty D200 with a D610 or a D7200? Or do I buy a used equivalent canon (don't know much about them, though the lenses seem to be better at the expense of camera sensors, 6D?) or an A7/A7R with an adapter even?
I mainly shoot as a side hobby, I take pictures of landscapes when I travel, cars, planes at airshows, the occasional birds. What I'm really interested in is having more dynamic range and low light sensitivity because I really like interesting lighting and contrasty scenes. Bracketing usually does the trick, but there are a lot of scenarios where bracketing is just too slow and having an extra stop or two of dynamic range would help. Unfortunately I'm an engineer, so I get really hung up on specs and test results. Sites like DXOMark are like crack to me and I get analysis paralysis. So please help me out you judgemental bastards, many of you also are mildly autistic and your input will be valuable to me.
>>3789082>a good 18-55mm on a good APSC sensor?I'm not aware of any good 18-55mm lenses, at least when you're using performance relative to the 24-70s available for full frame use as the comparative criteria. It's one of the primary things that makes me want to switch to full frame; the availability of fast 24-70 range standard zooms that aren't soft or filled with CA.