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ayo, I like the portraits I make with my Helios-44M & Canon 600D combo, but sometimes the scene is kinda dark and I want to shoot wider. A fren gifted me a vertical battery grip (BG-1T), so I thought I might get me a 70D or a 80D to get better performance in the dark, but some photographers I meet irl suggest other stuff. Like, get the newest mirrorless body you can afford or same shit with a DSLR FF. so I’m looking at things like maybe a used 5D mkIII or whatever a mirrorless equivalent of that would be. Regardless, I don’t see why these would be better than say a used 80D. inb4 just ask them, yeah nah, it’s just chit-chat in person, I don’t expect solid arguments in such a context, but they might be onto something, so are they?