>>2876707Yeah, no, the guy sitting on the seat has nothing to do with the perspective of the room. He's an important element, but he doesn't make the shot itself crooked. The perspective issues deal with the lines on the ceiling, the lines on the floor, the walls, etc. Having a person doesn't make or break it. He's really a non-element as far as perspective is concerned.
The issue with this shot is perspective, not necessarily symmetry. The perspective affects the symmetry, but that's just a symptom, not the problem itself. Check out pic related. The red dot is dead center. But the leading lines in your room push the eyes all over the place. The lines converge all over on the left hand side of the frame, which puts the shot off balance.
Not all shots have to be perfectly centered. Your leading lines don't have to converge at the exact center of the room, but in this shot you're ALMOST centered, but not quite, and that's the problem. If you're going to go for a centered shot, then fucking nail it. If you don't want a centered shot, then don't be 98% of the way centered. It throws the whole balance off.