>>4128117I've only owned it for less than a month but slowly getting familiar with it. Seems like a nice camera. i like the program mode and use it a lot. Just like with the K10D I used to have, I like to use the program mode and exp. compensation where necessary.
I've found the LCDs are very well visible outdoors, but become more difficult in any kind of low light situation if there's no bright light source such as ceiling light or such. This is a big disadvantage of this camera. For me it's not a problem as I mostly take pictures in daylight. I've found a small keychain red LED light is enough to illuminate the displays in the dark if you hold it in front of the light intake while looking into the viewfinder.
I'm shooting Agfa APX 400 that I switched mid-roll from my Spotmatic into the Prog A.
Cheers Anon!
>>4128098I had a K10D for nearly 15 years until its shutter failed soon after New Year's eve. Donated it for parts and replaced by a Program A.