>thinks there isThere really was, probably just one, you can observe some of their meltdown here. It was some furfag that got doxed and tried to cause as much trouble as possible as a response.
https://desuarchive.org/an/thread/4137600/#4143246And weirdly, someone on /p/ brought up a post that they would only know about if
>They made it>They have been religiously reading /an/'s archiveshttps://archive.palanq.win/p/thread/4335736/#4336746And similar behavior towards one of the other people this /an/ guy hates has been seen here
https://archive.palanq.win/p/thread/4296564/#4298370I wish it didn't sound crazy, but there's no way a lifeless furfaggot eternally seething at 3 people from /an/ in hopes of getting revenge for being doxed wouldn't sound crazy.