>>3253801>openingshaky mediocre 50mm-lens pan when you should've done a dolley: should've gotten a $5 plywood piece and rolled your tripod on a skateboard across that, immediately looks unprofessional with your method. Better angle, perhaps oblique rather than parallel to the actor, and perhaps overlooking him. I would've done a wide (18-24mm) closeup for disorienting effect, maybe a cheap semi-diffusion filter on the water ripples scene to get the "drugged out" effect (The water hitting the stones is cliche so at least make it not an obvious student film cliche)
>title"Directed by Woody Allen circa 1975" but wait woody allen hired a DP who was able to take more than a title screen without camera shake. Why the fuck do you have those frames of the far-off buildings? It conveys nothing
>"whoa I descended into meme drugs" montageboring and ultra-cliche angles, the only one that was moderately ok was the one where he did speed on the basketball court. Otherwise looks like a MADD or Just Say No commercial
> you don't need thishoriffic audio effect, "actors" look so unserious that I hope you didn't pay them a dime. Then again it's not like you took your headshots seriously. Again, effect. 28mm and shove it minimum focus distance from their face wide open, blur your lack of set in the background and make their faces menacing.
I'm basically done, I can't watch much more, it's these same mistakes repeated. You kinda did ok on the closeups of the drug preparation in the spoon, but this is all so cliche and done already that it has no emotional effect.
I noticed your bokeh. Are you really shooting anamorphic? Sell that shit and hire actual actors lol
1. if you're gonna narrate, can you learn to act first? That narrator ain't sissy spacek and you're sure not Malick
2. cheesy music
3. the tone feels "student" because you can tell none of the actors give a shit. It's better to overact than acting like ur having a giggle
Story sucks. Read books/plays.