>>4074002Not that one, it has been serviced by the great Oleg Varvarin of Fedka and advised by Oleg Khalyavin on a couple minor bits I did. It has had 20 rolls already. That camera went through 4 months of perfection under the umbrella of a blank check basically and not even Reichsmarschallfurher Putler's Cold War-Era war machine in Ukraine could stop it. Let's just say I REALLY wanted a working Leningrad. Pay to play, pal.
But yeah most of them are junk.
The cameras that actually give me the most trouble are the German-made Contaflex and similar cameras, Retina Reflex, Contarex, etc. they never work and when they break it has to be completely disassembled over the dumbest shit that I could fix on a FED in 10 seconds with some WD40.