>>4146979Depends on what you want. The 400 ISO crowd (Hp5, Tmax, Delta, Foma) are good allrounders, <100 ISO bw films are crazy sharp while being a fraction of the price of color, Ilford Sfx and Rollei Infrared can be used for some really cool landscape shots.
If you want to go the cheapest route, get a 30.5m roll and bulk load.
You don't even need an expensive loader, you can just use your camera and a changing bag/dark room.
https://youtu.be/yP2lF1k9B4cYou'll have to dev and scan it yourself however unless your lab does it for cheap. My local lab charges more for bw dev than c41 for some reason. But it's not really difficult the bw process was made to be easy.
>>4147124For me, using film is about the process, being more careful with my exposure and having to wait to see if the shot came out like I wanted. I also hate sitting in lightroom and editing my digital shots, film gets you a better image right out of the box.
MF vs 135 is also a question of how you're planning to get it scanned. Are you going to dev yourself? If so, are you looking to get a flatbed scanner, which requires more work per image, or a dedicated film scanner, which are usually built for 35mm.
Medium Format and large format are really cool and can get sharper images than just about anything digital can offer, but digitising a big negative like that can be a challenge in itself.