>>2579464>>2579453you need an equatorial mount with a motor. Then you can choose between "with GoTo" or "without GoTo". The GoTo system is basically a database of all celestial objects in your mount. I have one and its awesome. Just do your polar alignment, then type the name of any object, like "M42" and the scope will point towards it. Many astronomers like to find the object by jumping from star to star and learning all constellations. I dont, I'm a photographer and I like to spend my time taking photos, not finding my subject :')
then just look at the max load capacity of the mount. for small scopes (<10kg) you want an EQ5 mount. For heavier scopes, an EQ-6 pro (20kg). Again, the mount will cost you more than the scope, but you will need it for long exposures.
>screenshot from astroshop.de, I bought some of my stuff there. Just browse the different mounts they have and their specifications, and ask me if you have any questions.