Question to exercise your imaginative gearfaggotry. If you were this guy
>>3499262and had to start all over again in The Current Year +4 what would you do?
(t. that guy)
If the EOS 6D2 didn't have all its AF points clumped in the middle I'd be very tempted to see if I could get a good price second hand and maybe a 24-70 f/4. The pair of them together wouldn't be unreasonably huge, easy enough to bring around, I'm curious as to what it's like being a Canon man and they make nearly everything in Japan so you don't end up with your money going to nasty Chinese communists. Could also throw a 70-200 f/4 in at some stage, which isn't huge. 200mm f/4 on FF would even be OK for portraits except for devouring speedlight batteries when indoors.
One thing I don't like about Canon is the 8-bladed apertures on lenses older than about 2015. Disgusting.
I'm also wondering if going all in on Fuji would make sense, but probably not because the insurance company was like "lol fuck off" so I imagine second-hand gear will have to be bought patiently, bit by bit. The thought of dumping thousands of eurodollars into that 200mm f/2 one day does make me drool though.
In fact I should just not think about it until I've saved up a bit of cash so I know what kind of budget I'm actually working with.
Thanks for reading my blog everyone xoxo
>pic related: me when I had two cameras, three lenses, a speedlight and a laptop which I no longer have