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So I want to get my terminology straightened out with an example:
You have the same picture three times.
>The first has the foreground in razor sharp focus, and the background in delicious bokeh blur.
>The second imageis the same but the background is a little sharper.
>The third has both in almost perfect focus.
Putting aside whether such photos are physically possible, which image is it that describes/represents "Depth of field" or "High Depth of Field" the best?
>image kinda related for topic, just swap around which is in focus.
Also, is it a high or low f-stop that produces the first/third image? Is it the aperture size at all that is responsible for such blur/depth of field or something else?
I just want to get the terminology straight.
>Sorry, its a few different weird questions but these terms are thrown around on /p/ like hot potatoes so often its hard to follow what is referring to what.