>>3614521>>3614521Yeah it's one of the quirks of the OM-2. The exposure compensation is mechanically linked to the ISO dial, so at the extremes (25 and 1600) you can't apply ev compensation.
That said, TMax 3200 looks great at 1600 (shot at 1600, devved at 1600), and even if you dev at 3200 (a push), it still benefits from being shot at 1600, as all negatives benefit from a bit of overexposure, especially pushed films.
So I would say shoot at 1600 with no worries at all, and when you need the extra speed, go to manual and shoot as if 3200 (i.e. underexpose one stop, compared to what the meter suggests).
Come dev time, if the majority of your shots were at 1600, dev for 1600. If you have plenty of shots at 3200 (or the important ones are at 3200), and/or like higher contrast, dev at 3200.
In practice, I almost always shoot P3200 at 1600 (and dev at 1600), this gives nice negs with enough shadow detail and not too contrasty. So you get some leeway to choose contrast in post, instead of fighting thin negs to get something printable.
That's how I treat Delta 3200 most of the time too. Delta is actually a bit better if you need all the speed you can get, cause it's a tiny bit faster and less contrasty, so it has a bit more shadow detail and more normal contrast at 3200 and beyond.