to get my shit together, used to really neglect this instagram (and it shows)
posting 1 pic every day. I do cosplay, portraits and sigma foveon hipstery stuff. I got a TON of backlog to post so I think I will keep up the "1 photo a day" at least until summer. Trying to step it up this year.
>>3225731Noice. But "from an editorial" and descriptions like that feel a bit vague, like almost as if you didn't take the photo? But damn, nice photos, followed.
>>3225736It's nice, but... boring. You do a lot of medium format, but none of it looks any better than an RX100 would take, there's something not working out.
>>3225805I love some of your shots, but Instagram doesn't really work well if you don't want to do "the squares thing", imho, not if you change orientation so often. Though, inspiring and followed.
>>3225903>>3226044Damn good, followed.
And I wanted to check out more profiles but, for the love of god people, post a link, save people the time.