>>3915279>>3915241DING! DING! DING!
- camera shake is very real when you need to be quick
- sometimes needing to load up near 4000 images worth 1GB into a mobile devices' memory without it's browser crashing is functionally relevant.
I could break the segmentation into less than 4-month-span directories, but I don't.
- nobody really gives a shit if they are this size. But they do give a shit if every single image in a stream of thousands are individually bigger than their devices screen, and cant be zoomed *out* to fit.
I was considering making the standard size 960px a few months ago, but decided against it until median-tier phone resolution standards increase quite a bit. (ie: my current gen AU$166 kogan phone)
If you are on a 4k screen and whining about it: i don't give a shit. In fact: lol.