>>3893176>Do you even know what the knee of the curve is?I now understand where you've gone off the rails. You are looking at ISO read noise changes in the lowest zones and extrapolating that DR must be better at a higher ISO. This is because you are completely oblivious to the fact that those zones become swamped with photon shot noise at those higher ISOs. You're like a politician who thinks a tax hike will increase revenue oblivious to the possibility that the tax hike will send industries to another country thereby collapsing revenue.
>Photon noise is irrelevant for shadows.LOL this is the most retarded thing you've said. It's less relevant for the deepest shadow detail at base ISO because it's lowest at base ISO but read noise is higher at base ISO. It becomes increasingly worse at higher ISOs as it increases and read noise falls. It is THE limiting factor on DR and THE reason why base ISO always yields the best DR. Pic related: three top cameras from three manufacturers, where is max DR for each?
Still waiting on you to show us the wide DR landscape scene where ISO 3200 is better than ISO 100.