>>4263145Art is defined by the relationship between the piece and the person experiencing it. Art is meaning in itself. The intent behind it is wholly irrelevant and the need to say "BUT I WORKED ON THIS SO IT IS ART" is a bloody, festering, infected 3rd degree burn of a brand that is seared into every failed, NGMI "artist". These people almost always suffer from the trifecta of things that make creativity impossible:
Authoritarian views
Mechanical thinking
Looking like this
Stinking PUSS drips from this mark and streams down your face like tears. You are an intellectual and spiritual leper, incurably diseased.
The simple fact is what you, as an artist (if you ever will be one), DO is irrelevant, it's what you ACHIEVE that is relevant, and the need to draw the line at DO is indirect proof that what you ACHIEVE is indistinguishable from randomly generated natural phenomena, if not worse.
Nature can make art. Art can happen by accident. But working on trash that is only distinguished by intent, which you have a need to remind us of, does not make it art. You are not a bad artist. You are a complete non-artist because you can not produce art. Bad art is still clearly, inherently art, even if it occurs naturally, because it has special meaning. NOTHING YOU DO HAS MEANING. It is nonsense. Intent does not make nonsense art. At least one kernel of meaningfulness does. Nonsense with intent is just nonsense with an extra helping of self embarassment.