>>3565866really like this, nice use of color, really big fan of film
>>3565871the landscapes are way better than the portraits in this one
>>3566161these are cool, all very comfy
>>3566260loving your stuff as always bro
>>3566280r8 other people.
>>3566324huge fan of the colors and textures in this one
>>3566378I like the snowy pictures, more than anything, pretty good start
>>3566380really love the warmer pictures, really good stuff in general though. Third row on the far right is my favorite
>>3566416absolutely dig it, one of my favorites in the thread
>>3566433as always, huge fan of your work
>>3566464r8 others. Also way too much saturation. If it's just for fucking around though I guess it's whatever, you at least have a consistent look.
>>3566472I like it. Top middle is my favorite
>>3566608good stuff
>>3566645really love the colors and overall moods in your shots
>>3566653love the street portraiture. I am more of a candid portraiture guy myself but you definitely mastered planned/posed pics pretty nicely
>>3567228too much saturation in my opinion. Kind of boomer vibes
I've posted here a few times, let me know what you think. Mixture of analog and digital, usually specified in the caption