>>3731422A6400, costs more but it has the most modern AF system, which is a lot better for continuous AF tracking. Stay away from Fuji, AF is nowhere near as good. MFT isn’t realistically cheaper or lighter than APSC, and worse performance. Unless you can get it real cheap. A6600 if you want in body stabilisation (again costs more).
>>3731446>nightYeah I’d especially ignore the Fuji shills for this unless it’s a second hand X100F which appears to be better than most of the rest of the line.
>candid, street I’m guess you’d like fast AF that locks on as quick as possible and keeps the subject constantly in focus where possible. Hence the A6400 (not the A6500 either).
Only Canon has caught up with AF, but not in their APSC range, future of EOS-M is doubtful. Nikon is yet to catch up but probably just a matter of time, their APSC line is more promising. EOS M does have a small 22mm pancake high may he good for street.