>>2890379>suggestions for Jason picYou have an opportunity to have a really menacing-looking shadow on the far left wooden wall. That wall needs desaturation of yellows and oranges, imho. Another option would have been to nail some rusty tools on that wall, like a pitchfork, a scythe, and some circular saw blades.
Skin colors look very unnatural, particularly on Jason. She shouldn't have been sleeveless.
Yellow hose and what looks like cellophane wrapping behind "Jason" are distracting. There's some sort of poster directly to the left of her head which feels out of place.
The wardrobe here is all wrong. Mask is too shiny and looks like you just pulled it off the shelf of the dollar store. It should be weathered and scary looking. Same for Jason's boots and jeans, which look like they just came out of Forever 21. They could be weathered and dusty. Don't you ever watch the Walking Dead? That's what your stylist/wardrobe person should be referencing.
Wish you would have switched the girls so that the pretty girl is reaching for the axe. I think we can both agree that the fat blue-haired frumpy SJW girl would make a much better and more believable psycho killer.