>>3802735>children are an amazing subject in protest photography, especially when riot police is involved. But you have to think of how to do it without appearing creepy.Why? Are you against YHWH's law?
The one God: YHWH: explicitly allows men to marry young girls.
Whites do not. It is you who are the Heretics.
>> The Torah explicitly allows men to marry female children, including in>> cases of the rape (tahphas) of the girl child: Devarim chapter 22, >> verse 28. Key words: Na'ar (child (hebrew masoretic text)), Padia >> (child: padia+philos = paedophillia (greek septuagint)) Puella (young >> girl (latin vulgate))>> Nachmanides points out that a child may be called na'ar from the moment he is born>>Rebecca was a child, not an adult.>Na'ar means child in ancient hebrew, not adult, and the original hebrew>in these passages is na'ar, not na'arah. All you have to do is read the>actual hebrew glyphs, not whatever your interlinear renders them as. You>/pol/s are illiterate.>>discover-the-truth.com/2016/11/17/what-was-rebeccas-age-when-given-away-in-marriage-naar/>>--->>A complete Hebrew and English critical and pronouncing dictionary>>na'ar. A lad, youth, son, a young servant, an INFANT, or NEW-BORN BABE, because just liberated from the womb. Jud. 13:17. Exod. 2:6. Gen. 24:19. 2 Sam. 13:33. \u2026\u201d (A complete Hebrew and English critical and pronouncing dictionary:>>>>Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics>>Na'ar>>The word naar refers to a VERY YOUNG PERSON