I have some interesting results from my test tonight after my double image problem.
>>4148582So I put on my UV filter I have a Chiaro Pro 99-UVBTS, which are fairly nice UV filters that review well and are reasonably priced and I recreated several of the shots I took yesterday to see if I still had a double image from bright light sources. Not only in the images did I not see a double image at the same settings, which I was pleased about. I discovered that my diffusion filter was eating an absolutely massive amount of light. In some situations 1 to nearly 2 stops of light. Which I was absolutely shocked by. So I have ordered myself a (hopefully) higher quality
NiSi Allure Soft White Filter 1x. So hopefully it's just tiffen's filters are low quality and I can still use a diffusion filter on my Foveon and it's not something inherent to diffusion filters altogether, hopefully it will also eat less light. It should be here in a couple days and we'll find out.