>>3138377Honestly, the point of the EVF isn't about "seeing pixels" it's about seeing your image how it will look before you take the photo. It gives you an accurate depiction of it without having to take a test shot. The benefit of this vs live view on the back of a dslr is that you can actually look throught the eye piece without the sun fucking it up. I've got an a7r, and one of the cool things about the EVF on that is that you can actually set up the eye piece and the screen on the back to display different items, so the big screen might display all of the exposure, historgram, and setting info, then you can look in the evf and see the level while you snap the photo.
Pause this video at 34 seconds, you can see the level, camera settings, a custom overlay which is set to rule of thirds, you can see highlight clipping and focus peaking. so that's quite a bit of info that you're getting all at once which is incredibly helpful