>>3368627As usual forgot my pic related even if unimportant
>>3368627Buy some rolls of Kodak Color Plus 200 (if you like color film) or Shanghai GPE3 (if you like Black and White) and seriously just go through the process with those rolls. You will make these mistakes:
> loading film, and the film slips and when you advance the film lever, nothing happens and the film doesn’t advance> you will load it strangely and will literally rip the film sprocket holes apart while advancing the lever> you will realize you need new batteries for your meter, or that you need a meter because you aren’t good at metering yet> you’ll feel the film go tight at shot 36 and think “maybe if I pull hard I can get an extra shot!” And you won’t like what happens next> you open the camera back before rewinding> you forget to put the rewind lever down after loading film> your pictures are still shit despite moving to film and you realize it makes no monetary sense to shoot film with your current ability (please don’t actually take this though seriously. I’m still shit too but I prefer the process of film and these thoughts go away after a time)> you take 15 shots of the same subject, not even for bracketing purposes> you shoot slide film of a subject you love and forget to do a bracket> you bracket high end negative film half a stop apart in underexposure and overexposure constantly despite the latitude it hasJust make these mistakes on cheap shit film and get it over with now. Seriously. I hope you take this advice to heart before you take your first film snapshits on Velvia 50 like I did