>>4207917To push it all through my OM-4Ti.
The HP5 is for me for general snapshitting. I used to push only to 800 but now I routinely push it to 1600/3200 and develop in DD-X and I love the look. Got a new scanner on the way too so I can finally ditch my old flatbad.
The Pan F is for some landscape photos since I wanna go on a few hikes in the Balkans and in Greece. I might pull that one by one stop. Dunno about that yet. I've never shot any Pan F before. I've got some new high-end-ish filters too.
And the Pan 400 is for my gf. I've bought her an OM-10 as her 1st ever camera and a few rolls of Kodak Gold and CineStill but she didn't like it very much. Supposedly colour film isn't punchy enough. And she is right. I'll have to buy her something smaller too since she routinely has problems with the OM-10 being flagged as a "professional camera" when going out to concerts etc. And unlike me she isn't very vocal about it being film etc.