>>4351919I'm a photography noob. My parents decided they didn't want their old cameras (my mom's 1980 Olympus OM-2 that the cat was shot on, and my dad's '77 Minolta SR-T 200) and so they sent them to me. So now I have two film cameras (and a135mm lens for the Minolta in addition to its stock 50mm). honestly prior to getting the cameras I didn't normally take photos at all, even with my phone. I have months without any photos of anything including multiple year-long gaps where the only pictures I have are ones my parents take when I go back to visit them. So by having a dedicated camera with me that produces physical objects I'm mindful to actually take pictures and record my experiences (both day to day and unique/special). its been fun learning a new hobby, especially since my dad's minolta doesn't take a battery any more and so is a true mechanical object without even a light meter to aid me. I don't feel much nostalgia for the cameras aside from the fact that I think about some of the pictures my parents took with them that I've seen.
anyway the point of this blog is that I didn't actively seek to be a hipster and ignore the obvious benefits of digital photography, I just have some cameras and I'm enjoying using them.