One I took last night
Kodak Gold on my infamous Agfa Optima Sensor Flash
>>4003626Cinematography mood board worthy
>>4004117Cottagey yet cosy
>>4004217Not my thing but tasteful and nice contrast
>>4004220Pretty nice generally but not sure what I'm looking at
>>4004221Sneaky car hiding round the corner is kind of cute
>>4004223Zoomed in, crisp as fuck
>>4004462Like this mate, wish the bottom blue window line wasn't cropped though
>>4004523Dunno what it is exactly but wish this was more symmetrical somehow
>>4004587Into this, love that depth of black
>>4004588Too black
>>4004589Not bad but would have made more of the signage, open for gags or pseudonarrative
>>4004815Nice framing
>>4004816Not nice framing
>>4005044The detail on those feathers