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Will the perception of depth between a aps-c and full frame lens of the same focal length be the same?
E.g. when taking portraits a 18mm lens will sort of "distort" the face, the nose for example will stick out, the distance between objects in the foreground and background seems almost exaggerated, whereas with a 200mm lens the distance between the foreground and background is much harder to gauge. 50mm producing much more normal "proportioned" faces when doing portraits etc. Will that impression be the same for apsc and ff lenses of the same length? will the only difference be that the FF lens will offer me additional "space" (i.e. wider angle of view) at the edges?
I'm asking because on ff 50mm is considered an optimal portrait lens, whereas 50mm on aps-c is sometimes considered to be long - but if the impression of depth (sorry, don't know how else to word it) is the same, shoudn't a fifty on an apsc be just as good for portraits as on FF. also, wouldn't a 30 aps-c (which would over a comparable field of view as a 50 ff) give me a much "uglier" portrait?