>>2659471I like this photo, assuming the subject and setting is an indian in India?
>>2659470I think the photo could be very beautiful but the colours look too fake/like paint if you know what I mean?
>>2658877Any higher resolution? The viewpoint must have been hard to get to. Good photo though obviously.
>>2658462Again a really good photo, how did you get the clarity and the light stream effect?
>>2659057You should have gone up on that hill to the left. But still a decent photo. Colours look a little too bright by the sunset to me but I'm no pro so don't take my word alone
>>2659481pic related is another shot using the same camera
Can anyone tell me how to eliminate blur and focus properly to get full detail? My photos always come out shit, maybe 1 out of every 5 photos is good enough to share. I want to bring that up to 3-4/5 at least.