been in a great mood to take photographs lately with some life things going on but I'm going to try and force myself to get out there and do it.
>>3409504Kind of looks like stock photography at times. You'll find your own style eventually so keep shooting.
>>3409325Nice film shots at times, the protest shots are my favourites.
>>3409248I like the weirder shots like the doll heads, nature photography hasn't really ever been my kind of thing.
>>3406908Some of the shots remind me of The Americans by Robert Frank but in colour. Consistent style too. Keep it up.
>>3406903I normally like B&W a lot but something is missing in these. They miss a bit of punch, or you've not learned yet how to use shadow and contrast to your advantage. Still followed though.
>>3406668Keep shooting, I can tell you're still experimenting and learning which is good.