>Number of years doing photography5 years
>Any formal education? If so where, when, how much, etcStudied Film and Television + Photography in university but dropped out after a year
>Primary style(s) of photographyAutomotive, portrait, street
>Amount of money sunk into camera gear~$9,000
>Favorite brand(s)Canon
>Primary camera(s)Canon EOS R
>Professional? Hobbyist?Hobbyist automotive and professional wedding photographer (apprenticeship)
>If a professional, what kind of wage do you make? If a hobbyist, have you ever made any money doing this?I make ~$100 per hour for automotive and ~$1000 per wedding
>Preferred fast food restaurantMcDonalds
>The last time you actually took a decent photograph (don't lie)Last time I went out for a shoot, so a couple weeks ago