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I edited the whole thing in Darktable. Obviously if it was going to print I'd remove the distracting blemish next to her nose. I'm pretty new to editing so feedback strongly welcome.
I'll go through my thought process for the edit if anyone cares. Composition-wise the photograph is really strong so no further cropping is needed. In terms of lighting though, the blue flowers dominate the attention. So I used a few exposure gradients to bring the attention to her face. I also desaturated the flowers and made her skin warmer because they were still too detracting. I made the mids slightly more red and the higlights yellow, and the shadows cooler to compensate. Finally I put a strong vignette on it because the bottom half of the image feels like to me as just necessary for the aspect ratio rather than visually contributing.
I notice compared to most of the edits here, I toned down the colors. Guess the zeitgeist is for more "pop", but personally I felt her expression was complimented by the flowers, rather than the flowers stealing the show or just her skin. I'd describe her look as "pensive".