>>3862603I really don't understand why you think I'd lie about something so inconsequential, but okay.
The pricing structure differs from Goodwill Outlet to Goodwill Outlet. I've been to a bunch of them, and I was mildly surprised to learn that myself. At some of them, yes, electronics are priced separately. That's not the case at the Goodwill Outlet location in midtown St. Louis, which is the one where I found the Yashica.
I've been googling around and I wasn't able to find a picture of the current price sign, but I was able to find one on Yelp from when they opened in 2011 (and their prices were lower).
Nowadays, the price for all table items is $1.19 (I think--I actually don't pay close attention to it since it's so low in general, so it might have bumped up again. I'm pretty sure it was either $.99 or $1.19 when I got the Yashica though). Books are sold by the inch now, glassware and such is still sold by the pound at a lower weight. There used to be some furniture items and large electronics (e.g., an organ or a treadmill or whatever, or a TV in good condition) that were priced individually, but this location never priced out small electronics separately. Honestly, even for stuff that I could get cheaper than the basic per-pound rate, I usually just pay the $1.19 or whatever because it's easier to separate out books and glassware. I just sort of consider it a small donation.
If you really feel like it's a hill you want to die on, I can go take a picture of the current price sign tomorrow.