>>3288029>You don’t even know what the difference in size between the two sensors is, because it sure as fuck isn’t >literally twice as big< unless your 35mm sensor is actually a 47mm sensorHow would you even come to this conclusion? 36x24 is L I T E R A L L Y 2.3 times as much as 23.6x15.7. So it's actually closer to 2.5 times as much than 2 times as much.
>impressionable newcomersYou mean like the ones who don't realize the fact that digital image sensors are two (2) dimensional and not one, and get conned into paying top dollar for inferior gear?
>fuckface>mentally ill incel with aspergers>math is irrelevant because you don't shoot for VogueThanks for proving my previous point about not having an argument anon.