>>4233523portrait photographers are by far the creepiest people in the industry and almost exclusively target women 5+ years younger than them. it's a society-wide meme that someone that shoots sexy women in his apartment is always trying and failing to fondle them. i have, no joke, seen youtube videos of portrait fags trying to work with obvious boners (i wonder why they wore tight pants). in their apartment ("studio").
they should be critiqued harshly. if they're going to be weird perverts, their photos better be perfect. it's a rare bird when one isn't a creep (and not a woman, the women are never creeps), and i doubt that's you because the ones that brag about it are the ones that feel like they are some sort of crazy good pickup artist because they've already done 5/50 questionably aged models with questionable consent.
you could always say, as your next move, "actually, women like creeps, alphas take what they want! i am based and redpilled!" i guess? but still, not exactly what people who don't snort coke want to see in a man.