>>3599516>You're using terminology wrongYeah my bad it's easy to get it mixed up
>>3599521>As if more DOF is even a good thing.That's literally what the "medium format look" is and a higher "resolution" image bc larger negatives
>has to turn camera 90 degreesBrought this up because landscape orientation is more commonly used, having to turn the camera 90 degrees every time would get annoying, as I experienced when using a Fuji GA645.
Turning a MF SLR 90 degrees for portraits would get annoying too bc boxy camera and what not, adding a grip helps with this.
>Lol literally only bargain Fuji rangefindersThey're around the same price as the Bronica ETRS, Mamiya 645, Pentax 645 if not more, obviously cheaper than the AF 645 cameras but you're stupid to pay that much for one of those.
Just get a 6x6 or 6x7 and get an additional 645 back if you really wanna shoot 645. You'll get the benefits of shooting multiple aspect ratios which you'll then figure out is the right one for you.
>but muhhh size and weight A Bronica ETRS and SQ-A are both so similar in size especially after you add the prism finder, then grip and all these accessories that it's redundant. I'd actually say the SQ-A is a lighter setup because you don't need a prism finder when shooting 1:1 images, only a waist level viewfinder.
A Bronica GS-1 w/ prism finder is only 500 grams heavier than the ETRS, and is only a bit bigger. Couldn't find a GS-1 and ETRS side by side but pic related is a GS-1 and SQ-A, also notice how smaller the GS-1 is compared to the RZ67.
I seriously can't see any benefit to shooting 645 that can't achieved with a 6x6/6x7 SLR or a 35mm SLR.