>>3913979Because i'm not only about dem snowflakes and trying to appear perfect.
I take photos that are often crap, sometimes really crap, but idgaf if i still find them appealing in some way, or if the person in them expects to see the photo they know i took.
And sometimes a shot or two that I could have culled slips past because i didnt decide between it and the one next to it as i speed processed and shotgun published them to oh-hi.
>>3913983You didn't. I just find labels, artist statements, categories and pretty much the entire state-of-being of other photographers and they way they talk cringey as fuck.
I've never watched that, and barely even know the reference aside from an image of some long haired dude i see in memes.
I wouldn't derive something like a domain name from someone elses broadcast intellectual property either, that would be dumb, and totally not how i roll anyway. The cult of celebrity and fanboyism can go fuck itself.
It's something my internet waifu used to say in SL.
"Oh hi, i like your face"
...and it was available, short, very accurately describes what I'm thinking when i'm doing it, and easy for people to remember.