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Hey /p/ I used to work for small no name camera repair shop run and owned by a depressed alcoholic divorcee (also the head technician).
All Sony camera repairs (including video cameras) in my city (a major city) came to us, I was hired with no qualifications and no experience whatsoever.
How did I get the job you ask?
>Selling a lens
>Need to get the front element cleaned
>Go in and ask if they can give it a quick clean
>alright.jpg (alcohol breath over 9000)
>gives me lens back
>hey, can I have a job lol?
>yeah ok, let me show you around
Started working the next week, pulling sonys apart and fucking most of them up (I literally had no experience so what do you expect), putting things back together incorrectly, throwing screws in the bin when I didn't know where they went, breaking parts (flex cables) by accident and then just charging the customer. etcetera
Not only that, the head technician was so drunk and raged up everyday I saw him throw people sonys cameras at walls and then frantically try and put them back together, repairs took weeks and weeks if not months because no one knew what the fuck they were doing.
The End
>ask me anything
I haven't worked there for over a year now, people's Sony cameras are still being fixed this way in my city kek