Would you trust the SD card and no-name spare battery that comes in the 'DSLR camera bundles' in your camera? Looking to get a D5300 and honestly the only things in the bundle packs that interest me is the extra battery, SD card, and remote shutter. I could get just the body and lens with name-brand SD card and battery but I would be actually paying more than the bundle pack.
Pic and link related:
https://www.amazon.com/18-55mm-Telephoto-Original-Accessories-Included/dp/B01H2MGZL6/ref=pd_sim_sbs_421_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=6TC6FD0YFKA3VT68CPQY(yea its out of stock now but it was going for ~$560 ish)