>>4188621>Flat Earthers deny easily demonstrable scientific facts. Moon skeptics cast doubts over an event surrounded by political interests and suspicious evidence, The evidence is not suspicious, it is conclusive. Our government is lost and does lie to us. But that doesn't wipe away hard physical evidence.
Since this is a photo board, let's just deal with the most relevant body of evidence
https://www.flickr.com/photos/projectapolloarchive/Note that all of these were taken on 6x6 and 35mm film decades before photo realistic CGI was even possible. The best Hollywood FX of the time has no where near this level of detail. Matte paintings were obvious at analog TV and Super35 resolutions. MF film would leave no doubt if anything was a painting, it would decimate a painting. As for shots on the moon: nothing in Hollywood even comes close to being photo realistic at Super35 resolution until the movie Apollo 13 was released in 1995. Even Apollo 13 Super35 frames would, upon close inspection, reveal that it was a Hollywood production. The oft-cited 2001: A Space Odyssey, Hollywood FX contemporary with the moon landing, looks nothing like real photos.
There aren't a dozen photos at this archive. There are nearly 16,000. Nobody could fake that body of evidence even today. The work and the risk of error are both far too great.
We funded the space race to insure we had the military edge in ICBM delivery and in any potential technologies related to space. Getting to Earth orbit and even to the moon was well within our reach at the time. But for WWII the Nazis probably would have gotten there even sooner. All moonies have is their incredulity and their lies. It was a historical event which means it's not as certain as the shape of the Earth which is open to experiment at any time by any one. Never the less it is pretty damn certain we went.