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I've done a fair bit of backpacking and have found that having two primes is perfect. Anymore and you'll always be reaching for a different lens because you have so many options. Any less and your kit feels inadequate even if it isn't. For my personal shooting style having a 28mm and 50mm (on fullframe) is perfect. Sure I sometimes wish I had x lens with x focal length but at those moments I stop worrying about photos and just enjoy whatever I'm looking at. Don't forget to just enjoy where you are without a camera in front of your face.
As for how to travel with two lenses, if always wrap the lens I wasn't using in a pair of pj pants. Never had any issues. Or you can buy a generic lens case from a thrift store that fits the bigger of the two lenses.
Also if you are going to Vietnam, get a motorbike. Trust me, it is infinitely better than getting around by bus and you'll see soooooo much more and on your own terms too.