From your latest batch, this photo is fucking great. Do you just go to some random street or are there places where interesting and cool looking people tend to show up the most often? I've considered going to flea markets, although heavy mask usage will probably yield some subpar pics for the time being. Unless of course the mask itself becomes a point of interest. Probably I should go to a posh area where people wear designer masks. But that's probably the kind of area where people get mad that there's someone taking pics so it's a bit of a catch-22. I really need to research the human fauna in the area.
>>3760310That's actually an amazing way to put it, I think that's why his work is so fascinating to me.
>>3760309Wew, I hadn't noticed Pentax had the same switch and aperture wheel design as Nikon. I think I'll miss that a lot with my Canon.