>>3040896I think that if I put a little care into it I'd have a fairly easy time of getting the film straight using the backing paper method.
It's not really worth the bother either way. It just seemed like something you have to do once when you get your first MF camera.
In the end it's less bother to just shoot 120 film and the money I might save by shooting 35 mm is peanuts.
I have some 16 mm. Tri-X which I guess I could also load for some even more ridiculous aspect ratios.
Also, a frame of Instax fits PERFECTLY in this camera. I want to play around with that a bit later and see how Instax handles long exposures.
>>3040905Not very interesting photos but the first six work decently has a set.
Looks good for your first time developing, though. You're clearly on the right path. Keep shooting.