>>38750141) I reached a turning point in my photography. I had been spending all of my free time, and money taking pics since a pretty young age. Eventually, I realized I had gotten really good at making nice photos. The kind of photos you would hang on a wall. But they didn't have any soul, meaning, or value other than aesthetic.
I compared my work to the photographers who had inspired me in the first place, and realized I needed to do something drastic, or give up that part of my life. So I quit my job within the photo industry, and spend a couple of months finding contacts and planning a trip to a war zone. I wasn't exactly looking for a war, but I wanted something organic, raw, intense, and maybe a little dangerous. And so I ended up in Ukraine.
There I got lucky enough to find some good stories, and it kept me afloat.
2) Despite never having touched one, I think it would be a 24-70 F2.8. And then a trusty 70-200 on the other camera (just to make life easier). I used to be a big fan of lop DOF, but I eventually grew out of that phase. For a photojournalist, the environment and context of a photo are pretty important in my mind.
3) Mixed feelings. I don't plan on buying one anytime soon. I also am only interested in canon stuff, I can't be bothered to relearn what had become second nature to shoot on the canon system.
I beat the shit out of my gear, like most people in this line of work, so they would need to be just as durable. Also, the lenses are way too big and heavy at the moment and don't offer too many advantages. If they can make mirrorless just as capable and robust, I think I would be open-minded.
Pic related: shooting in -20 on top of a mountain. My mate's mirrorless camera just stopped working halfway through the night, the canon had no problem.