>>3626630>Why not just buy a cheap camera for that purpose?Because nothing offers quite the same shooting experience.
I could use a film camera, but (a) film is expensive as shit, so much that a digital Leica is cheaper very quickly and (b) film is a hell of a lot less convenient to use.
I could buy a cheap old digital, but it doesn't really give you the same feel. I mean, maybe my old Rebel XSi with broken autofocus system would be similar (I have it set up with a split prism viewfinder and a manual 35mm lens), but it still just doesn't give me quite the same sense of being connected to the photographic experience as shooting with the Leica does. It's hard to explain.
Suffice it to say, I've tried that, I have a shitload of cameras I bought for fun, and the Leica is the only one for which the novelty has not yet worn off after a few days--I've owned it for over a year now and I still love shooting with it.
Obviously, your mileage may vary.