>>3562828> fuji metal bodies and dials and levers and whistles with great jpg output (which I think Olympus does better anyway, color wise).Just to drive a nail...here's the aging EM5ii on the left compared to the brand new XT3 on the right. First thing that leaps out at me is the blatant inferiority of the fuji glass. Every shot with the XT3 is that way, soft. Not sure if that's a bad copy or a cheap lens of what, but that's pretty extreme. However what we care about here are SooC jpg color without filmsim, and that's where I think the Olympus color science (i.e. actually going for scientifically accurate color and not "feel") really shines. You can clearly see the EM5 far superiorily renders the pink, orange, and red hues, which are typically the hardest to get accurate (component colors of Caucasian flesh, incidentally) on digital sensors.