panasonic 20mm f1.7
25mm. f1.7 budget again from panasonic, olympus f1.8 and panaleica f1.7 both great, and you can go even higher for ultimate bokeh and olympus pro, you've also two 30mm af sigmas somewhere close.
mid tele primes:
A shit ton of options since you can convert classic 50mms (pic). Modern manual are also quite cheap kamlan 50mm f/1.1 and rokinon 50mm f1.2. and olympus 75mm f1.8 is nearly a legend now
olympsus 40-150mm f4, great lens for the price, pana 100-300, oly 75-300, oly 300mm...
olympus 60mm is fantastic, 30mm is cheaper and actually gives you larger magnification, but you need to be so close to the bug that it's only usable in no wind, no movement enviroment at that magnification, it's decent nontheless
Generally panasonic offers better cheaper lenses, olympus better telephotos, high end stuff is pretty evenly matched with vogtlander in the mix with some sub f1 lenses as well.