Quoted By:
>spend three days in Chicago
>carry a camera with me at all times
>look for interesting people to photograph
>everyone either looks like a boring businessman or a fellow tourist
>go home disappointed
>decide to google street photography for inspiration on what to look for next time
>amateurs posting pictures of the back of peoples heads
>professional(?) photographer taking photos where the only story is the subject indignantly looking at the camera and seems to be yelling kill yourself faggot to the photographer like pic related
Is street photography the biggest photography meme of all time? How often do you even find yourself taking a photo that actually tells a semblance of a story as opposed to just being a reminder of hey I was there once I guess. Maybe I just have a shitty eye for what would make for a good subject for a photograph. But I walked through these streets for hours, took around 300 photos and not a single one seems to say anything of value besides oh look tourists taking selfies at Millennium Park.